Expertise PPE - DGUV 312-906

  • Location
  • Mittelmann Sicherheitstechnik GmbH & Co. KG
  • Bessemerstraße 25, 42551 Velbert
  • Time
  • Beginn 1. Tag um 9:30 Uhr
    Abschluss 2. Tag ca. 15:00 Uhr
  • Standard price
  • € 525
Requirements for participation

The participant must be at least 18 years old and an instructed user of PPE in accordance with DGUV Rule 112-198 (certificate of attendance or entry in the safety pass as proof) or similar qualifications, which must be submitted to us up to 14 days before the training course.

Number of participants

max. 8 persons


Day 1: Theoretical basics such as material science, material storage, standards, regulations & guidelines, fall physics. Together with you, criteria are developed on how to check the PPE expertly by visual and functional testing. E.g. discard maturity, wear, etc. This is followed by the first practical block in which materials such as helmets and harnesses are tested and the documentation of the test is prepared.


Day 2: The material test is further deepened. There is a follow-up test in theory and practice


The following can be tested: Helmets, harnesses, lanyards, connecting elements, moving belay devices on moving guides, ropes, etc. The training relates exclusively to the area of PPE/RA, the sub-areas SZP/SKT; SFA-S/STEP and mountain sports are not included. Height rescue and height safety equipment cannot be tested, fixed ladders and their runners on request from the respective manufacturer.

General information
  • Proof of participation by receiving the certificate after passing the exam: “Expert for personal protective equipment against falls from a height”
  • The price refers only to the training and does not include the cost of overnight accommodation
  • Cancellations must be received by us in writing at least 10 days before the training course. Cancellations received later than this must be paid in full if no substitute participant is provided.