Expertise PPE
DGUV 312-906

Basic principles for the qualification of persons for the competent inspection and assessment of personal fall protection equipment

In this training course, you will acquire the expertise to test personal fall protection equipment (PPE) in accordance with DGUV 312-906. As an expert, you are responsible for regularly testing the equipment for safety and functionality in order to meet the high safety requirements in everyday working life. This training course ensures that you meet all legal requirements and can guarantee the safety of your colleagues.

What you can expect

You will receive in-depth training on the professional inspection of fall protection equipment. Experienced instructors will guide you step by step through the requirements of DGUV 312-906. You will learn how to check the equipment for defects, document them and carry out regular maintenance. Practical exercises and insights into real-life inspection scenarios will optimally prepare you for your role as an expert.

Learning content of the training

  • Basics of DGUV 312-906: Expertise and responsibilities
  • Structure and function of the various PPE components
  • Criteria for the proper inspection and assessment of fall protection equipment
  • Recognizing and assessing wear and damage
  • Documentation, maintenance and replacement of equipment