Expertise Mittelmann rescue devices

  • Location
  • Mittelmann Sicherheitstechnik GmbH & Co. KG
  • Bessemerstraße 25, 42551 Velbert
  • Time
  • 9 Uhr
  • Standard price
  • € 500
Requirements for participation

The participant is at least 18 years old and is a trained expert in accordance with DGUV principle 312-906.

Number of participants

max. 5 persons


General explanations

At the beginning of the course, you will be given an overview of the basics of rescue equipment. We will explain the general functionality and area of application of the Mittelmann descender devices. We place particular emphasis on understanding the safety-relevant aspects.


Function and variants of the rescue equipment

In the next section of the training course, you will learn about the different functions and variants of the rescue equipment. You will receive detailed information on which types of equipment are suitable for which areas of use and how to operate them correctly.


Explanation of the components of the rescue equipment

An essential part of the training is the detailed analysis of the individual components of the rescue equipment. You will learn to identify the various components and understand their respective functions. This knowledge is essential in order to be able to carry out inspections and repairs properly later on.


Practical implementation of inspection and repair work

The practical part of the training focuses on carrying out maintenance work. Under the guidance of experienced experts, you will learn how to properly carry out inspections and repairs on the appliances. Particular emphasis is placed on compliance with the manufacturer's specifications and correct documentation of the work carried out.

General information
  • Teilnahmenachweis durch Mittelmann-Urkunde (befristet auf 3 Jahre)
  • Der Preis bezieht sich nur auf die Schulung und beinhaltet nicht die Kosten für die Übernachtung
  • Absagen müssen bis spätestens eine Woche vor der Schulung in schriftlicher Form bei uns eingehen. Bei späteren Stornierungen ist die volle Teilnahmegebühr zu zahlen, wenn kein Ersatzteilnehmer gestellt wird.